Download report On November 16, 2022, the G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia under Indonesia’s presidency concluded. The report on Innovative finance towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future written by Christoph Nedopil and supported by UNDP, UNICEF, GGGI and NDC Partnership for the G20 Climate and Sustainability Working Group (CSWG) was…
On January 10th, the State Council Information Office (the administrative office under the State Council) published the White Paper on “China’s International Development Cooperation in the New Era” (中文版本). In 8 chapters, the paper summarizes China’s recent engagement in (generously) providing development assistance (intermixed with its overseas economic engagement) and…
On 2 December, the RCEP Civil Society organized a webinar through its secretary, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF). Dr. Christoph NEDOPIL WANG, Director of the Green BRI Center at IIGF, was invited as a speaker. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was signed on 15 November…
The year 2020 has proven to be more turbulent than anyone could have expected, and it is only June. While in February we asked if 2020 would be the year of China’s global green leadership, hoping that the Covid-19 virus outbreak would be short-lived, by March we already we had to incorporate broader-than-expected fallout…