


Briefs and reports of the Green Finance & Development Center are longer analyses of relevant topics in green finance, green Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), biodiversity finance, green innovation finance, and ESG.

In this new report co-published with the Griffith Asia Institute, we look at major developments, trends, and issues in China’s domestic and overseas green finance. Introduction Echoing the central government’s “30/60” decarbonisation goal of reaching a carbon peak before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060, China attaches great importance to…

Download report The study “China coal exit: Opportunities for China-led financing of early phase down of coal-fired power plants in Pakistan and Vietnam” evaluates the financial impact of early retirement of coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) in Asia, specifically focusing on six Chinese-sponsored plants in Pakistan and Vietnam. The research was…

In a new report, Florian Wengel (Centre of Sustainable Finance, SOAS University of London), Christoph Nedopil (GFDC), and Uli Volz (also Centre for Sustainable Finance) analyze the opportunities for accelerated coal phase-down and green energy expansion in Vietnam. >>Download “Sunrise and sunset – Accelerating coal phase down and green energy expansion in…

In April 2023, the Belt and Road Initiative International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) published the Green Development Guidance for BRI Projects Phase III. In this report, the authors analyze how Chinese overseas development funds apply environmental standards, in particular the “Traffic Light System” for BRI projects. The report was written…

In a new report, Ziying Song, Christoph Nedopil (both GFDC), Haneea Asad (IEEFA Pakistan) and Muhammad Basit Ghauri (Renewables First Pakistan) analyze the opportunities for accelerated coal phase-down and green energy expansion in Pakistan. >> You can download the report here Executive Summary Pakistan like many nations, faces the urgent…

–>download report here This new handbook, developed in cooperation between the Green Finance & Development Center, FISF Fudan University, ClientEarth, the Green Investment Principles (GIP), and the Institute for Finance and Sustainability (IFS), supports environmental risk mitigation through information disclosure, public consultation and grievance mechanism. You can download the English…

Download here The Green Finance Guideline (Baseline) for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) incorporate 12 recommendations to accelerate green finance to support Pakistan’s green transition with a focus on collaboration and finance mobilization. Greening finance in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a unique opportunity to accelerate the…

Download report On November 16, 2022, the G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia under Indonesia’s presidency concluded. The report on Innovative finance towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future written by Christoph Nedopil and supported by UNDP, UNICEF, GGGI and NDC Partnership for the G20 Climate and Sustainability Working Group (CSWG) was…